Although there are various developments in the field of sustainable alternatives, the Dutch transport sector is still highly dependent on fossil fuels. In order to reduce the climate impact of CTS GROUP in the short term, we have been compensating the CO2 emissions of our vehicle fleet through Climate Neutral Group since 2020. This means that our trucks operate in a climate-neutral manner. The compensation for 2021 is now a fact!
Reduction and compensation
When reducing CTS GROUP’s climate impact, our focus is not only on compensating for CO2 emissions, but on reducing them. Thanks to our efforts in the field of chain collaboration and CO2 saving measures, we achieved the Lean & Green 2 Star Award last year. According to the benchmark data, this is equivalent to a 30% CO2 reduction. We offset the remaining CO2 emissions by investing in the Maísa climate project in Brazil through Climate Neutral Group. This project’s mission is to stop local deforestation and protect the rich, bio-diverse land.
The next step(s)
Currently we are focusing on further reducing our CO2 emissions. The use of renewable fuels plays a major role in this. Part of the vehicle fleet has recently started running on biodiesel. We are working on a plan to gradually increase this number in the coming years. Also, we are taking a closer look at the logistics processes and the deployment of electric truck(s) is not long in coming. In addition, a tool is being developed with which we can provide you with more insight into the CO2 emissions of your shipments via your online portal. This allows us to work together to reduce its climate impact.
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